Sunday, November 11, 2012

"The radio craze..."

"...will die out in time."
-Thomas Edison, American inventor, 1922

July 26, 2001

Zero day #3!

I'm taking a bus to West Lebanon to the Radio Shack.  I got a 1.4 oz. radio.

I still have this lovely radio.
This was a very fun trip back in civilization for me.

 First, I bought the little radio above, which would provide much entertainment for me on the lonely stretches of the Trail when all of us Southbounders spread out along the mid-Atlantic states.  It was the radio upon which I first heard about the 9-11 attacks.  I also listened to Virginia's governor debates on it so I knew how to absentee vote.  And many nights I would lay in my sleeping bag after sunset listening to local news or tunes.

 Second, I went to McDonald's and ordered ten cheeseburgers.  I received quite a few funny looks as I sat down with a pyramid of cheeseburgers in front of me listening to my newly-purchased radio.  Ten cheeseburgers and a large soda - and I wasn't full - proof of my new Trail metabolism.

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