Saturday, November 17, 2012

"It is wise to bring some water,..."

"...when one goes out to look for water."
-Arab Proverb

July 27, 2001

I was too upset to write because my water filter is messed up.  I went 14 miles to Thistle Hill Shelter with P's [Peanut and Panama Red] and Savage.

I started the Trail with a water filter similar to the one shown here:

These water filters work by the hiker manually pumping water through a carbon cylinder in order to separate out everything you don't want to drink.

After about 2.5 gallons you need to take the filter out and scrub it, or the buildup of dirt and junk will start to clog it.  Unfortunately, with the drought that was going on, the water sources along the AT had less and less water and more and more dirt, meaning a lot of wear and tear on the filters.

Mine had enough.  Some of the other hikers pumped some water for me.

Tomorrow, I would solve this problem.

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