Friday, October 19, 2012

"If the stars should appear but one night..."

"...every thousand years, how man would marvel and stare."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

July 19, 2001

Stayed at Galehead.

Galehead Hut, most remote of all the huts
The night I stayed at Galehead I saw the stars for the first time.  

I awoke at 12:30 am and walked out to the open and looked up.  A satellite startled me as it skittered overhead.  My hand reached out for shooting stars floating by like lightning bugs and my finger dipped into the Milky Way as it splashed across the sky.  

The Big Dipper smiled like a familiar friend as I looked at Scorpio in fear and as my eyes widened while they followed the Dragon's tail wind between the Dippers.

Praise left my lips for God the Creator as my mind tried to grasp the magnitude of the stars, as I realized that behind each star was a field of stars behind leaving a soft glow throughout the night so that no spot was uncovered.

As I wandered along to my sleeping spot my eyes glanced back to the Little Dipper and she winked at me knowing I'd be back.

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