Friday, September 28, 2012

"Live free or die:..."

"...Death is not the worst of evils."
-General John Stark on July 31, 1809

July 13, 2001

Today, I walked into New Hampshire.

Notice caption "Live Free or Die" on bottom.

I walked into Gorham.  I took the Mahoosuc Trail into town instead of the AT (with a hitchhike).  The reason why is because the Mahoosuc Trail section was the same mileage and it was the original route of the AT.  So, I was historic.

I remember at one point I had a scary fall.  It was a beautiful day, but for some reason a boulder had some invisible slippery moss on it (I know...weird, but true).  I slipped and slid right down the boulder all the way to the end and stood right up.  No injury, not a scratch!

Getting first view of the famed Presidential Mountains

Joe, Dan, and Jay also took the same route.  Our order was 1st Joe, Jay, me, Dan.  I came out of the woods to a power plant on the Androscoggin River.  I kept going down a road along the river for a mile or so and ran into Joe.  

We were both realizing we took the wrong way and that Gorham was just across the river.  After considering swimming the river we turned back and found we had to cross at the power plant.

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