Saturday, June 30, 2012

"Weeping may last for the night,...

...But a shout of joy comes in the morning."
-Psalm 30:5 (NASB)

June 22, 2001

So, it was the scariest night on the Trail so far.

As I tried to go to sleep, some local campers (down the side trail on which I put my tent) blared Satanic music with guttural lyrics such as "I WILL KILL YOU ALL!"

This, in the middle of nowhere, and I didn't even pack a knife.

And then, suddenly, a rabbit (?) slams into my tent, and I instinctively punch it.

Weird. Strange. No, I was not having a nightmare. It was real.

And then, it was morning...

The wicked sing chants of darkness in the night, but we who worship God sing songs of light and praise in the morning!  God be praised!

I quickly packed my tent and headed down the Trail and up to the top of a mountain before stopping for breakfast:
Breakfast on top of Fourth Mountain
Well, made a monster 14 mile hike over Third Mountain, Fourth Mountain, Barren Mountain, and Wilson Mountain.  Some great views and much cooler weather.  Tomorrow, Monson 2 days early.

I feel much better now that I found those straps on my pack and took the insoles out of my boot.

This was truly a unique way to spend my birthday.  Not a soul out here knows it is today.  I am almost done with the 100 Mile Wilderness.  A successful hike.  I guess I would rather do nothing else except be with family.  I am really looking forward to talking with my parents tomorrow night!!

Oh, yeah.  There was this territorial hawk we passed.  We heard this crazy noise and saw a hawk dive-bomb us. 

I remember that I waved my hiking poles above my head to ward the hawk away from me.

It reminded me of an Atari Smurf game I used to play (see Youtube Clip at time 1:19).

 Fortunately, he/she didn’t return even though we admired the nest.

Nest of the infamous "Territorial Hawk"
I did hear a few days later that one of my Trail friends was walking along this section just listening away to his music, and so did not hear the warning shrieks of the hawk as it flew toward him. While jamming along to his tunes, his head bandana suddenly flew forward. He put his hand to his head and it came away with blood.

He obviously freaked out and got out of there quick.  

Ended up being okay with a few scratches, but makes one pay attention to your surroundings a bit more!

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